Indian company’s use of pesticides in syrup revealed

New Delhi: Indian pharmaceutical companies began to share the death, and embarrassing revelations came out during the investigation against the Indian pharmaceutical company in Uzbekistan. According to a foreign news agency, the Indian-origin CEO of a company called Coramax was given substandard cough drops, and syrup by his country’s Marion Biotech company, and the company added pesticides to it for more profit. did Syrup.
Chief Executive Coramax Partar Singh admitted to the bribery, saying that Uzbekistan paid a $33,000 bribe on imports to waive quality checks. According to the Uzbek authorities, Coramax company also overstated the price of syrup due to tax fraud.
In December 2022, the US, European Union, and several other countries suspended the license of the Indian company Marion Biotech after 65 children died from cough syrup used in Uzbekistan.

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